The Universe and Our Place in It
This series will take stargazers to the ends of the
documented universe with each of these vibrant, accessible books. Readers will
absorb the centuries-old history of mankind?s determination to understand the
heavens and be riveted by the persistence and ingenuity of astronomers and
countless others who have contributed to our knowledge of the universe thus far.
Whether readers are interested in how scientists have uncovered the reasons for
any number of celestial phenomena, how they have scoured the ground for
meteorites, or even in how the chemical composition of a nebula is determined,
these books will provide precise details, and with captivating photographs to
? Correlates with the Earth?s Place in the Universe dimension of the
Next Generation Science Standards for understanding the universe, stars, solar
system, and Earth?s relationship to them
? Explains complex scientific terms
and concepts in an engaging and approachable narrative