Spotlight On Kids Can Code: Set 4
Coding is an appealing and fulfilling career for many young people who've grown up surfing the net. Kids in elementary school are learning how to code for fun! As computer technology rapidly improves, new areas of study open up to young students. Artificial intelligence, for example, has rapidly developed and has numerous useful applications that scientists are still exploring. Machine learning, a field of study in AI, explores how computers can be programmed to learn on their own. Readers will explore these high-tech concepts through accessible language and vibrant images. With this knowledge, readers can truly begin to understand the modern significance of coding and artificial intelligence.
• Career-focused text presents information on the education and training necessary to work in these fields
• Text supports STEM curricula and presents basic curriculum topics through the lens of quickly growing career fields
• Accessible language allows readers to familiarize themselves with advanced science concepts in a fun way