Slimy Science
Slime is a mesmerizing, diverting toy. Many even know how to make their own. But they likely haven't made slime as fun?and educational?as the slime in this entertaining series. Readers will learn how they can use their knowledge of primary colors to create slime that's just the right hue. They'll discover how adding texture through materials such as glitter can change slime's properties. They'll also learn how to make slime they can actually taste as well as how to create magnetic slime they can bend in wacky ways. Most important, they'll learn what slime has to do with science?a lot! • Accessible step-by-step instructions and accompanying photographs make each volume achievable for visual learners and struggling readers
• Science vocabulary, such as chemicals and reactions, are seamlessly woven into the inviting text
• Each volume's topic is a high-interest way to connect with readers and the elementary science curriculum