A Short, Illustrated History of...

From the revolutionary strides in medicine to the cosmic odyssey of space exploration to the mind-expanding frontiers of scientific discoveries, each volume in this series provides a visually enchanting and intellectually stimulating journey through the annals of human achievement. Perfect for young minds eager to discover the wonders of our world and beyond, this series combines vivid illustrations with engaging narratives, offering a concise yet comprehensive look at the captivating stories that have shaped our history and future.

• Engaging fact boxes take a deeper look at various facets of each topic
• A glossary of new terms expands readers' vocabulary
• A list of relevant books, websites, and places to visit provides a jumping-off point for further independent research

Library Set List: $133.88 / S&L: $100.40

Reading Level: 4-6

Interest Level: 4-8

Product type : Library Set
ISBN : 978-1-4994-7654-5
Copyright : 2025
Language : English
Pages : 48
Trim : 7 1/4" x 9 1/4"
Detailed Table of Contents • Fact Boxes • Further Information Section • Glossary • Illustrations • Index • Websites
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A Short, Illustrated History of...

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Scientific Discoveries

A Short, Illustrated History of...

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Space Exploration

A Short, Illustrated History of...

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