Your Government in Action

This series is a wonderful resource for young readers on the function of top government offices, and the key advisors to the President of the United States. Each book introduces a secretary and the department that person oversees. The books will explain why each department was formed, what the main duties of the secretary and the department are, what the key achievements of the office have been since its formation, how or why the office has changed over time, and more. These books are not biographies of a particular secretary, but rather they provide students with an overview of the secretary's role in general across all administrations. Each book features a list of all people who have held the position as well as an organizational chart of the department.

Library Set List: $138.00 / S&L: $103.50

Reading Level: 3

Interest Level: 3-6

Product type : Library Set
ISBN : 978-1-4042-2966-2
Copyright : 2005
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, American History
Pages : 32
Trim : 9" x 9"
Subject : Social Studies, American History
Other titles available in Your Government in Action
Library Bound Book List: $27.60 / S&L: $20.70
eBook List: $24.95 / S&L: $18.70
Library Bound Book List: $27.60 / S&L: $20.70
eBook List: $24.95 / S&L: $18.70
Library Bound Book List: $27.60 / S&L: $20.70
eBook List: $24.95 / S&L: $18.70
Library Bound Book List: $27.60 / S&L: $20.70
eBook List: $24.95 / S&L: $18.70
Library Bound Book List: $27.60 / S&L: $20.70
eBook List: $24.95 / S&L: $18.70
