World Financial Meltdown
With the economic problems that we are experiencing today, this book is a voice of reason in a world that is saturated with media alarmism. This book puts the current financial problems in perspective with comparisons to past crises and hard-numbered analyses of just how devastating, or not, the current economic conditions are.
* Reviews *
Series Review: Doomsday Scenarios: Separating Fact from Fiction"These volumes open with realistic what-if scenarios and continue with chapters that describe real dangers and what can be done to prevent them. Cyberterrorism envisions a Hollywood-style power outage, for example, and Killer Viruses imagines a boy affected by illness, in a vignette that's reminiscent of the 1918 flu pandemic. These descriptions will draw readers in and show them that it's necessary to consider facts when confronted by such a situation, without becoming distracted by the dramatic aspects of the problem...this series has much to offer, such as an objective perspective on controversial topics like climate change. For this, and for of-the-moment topics, the series is a good choice."
--School Library Journal