The Sun, Stars, and Galaxies
Most avid sky gazers wait until nightfall to catch a glimpse of the stars that are scattered across the heavens. The fact of the matter is that one needs only to feel the Sun's rays in order to experience the presence of a star. The Sun is an ordinary star, a ball of hot gas much like millions of others in the universe, but as the center of the solar system, it is critical to the survival of all life forms on Earth. This comprehensive volume examines the nature of the Sun and details the properties and types of various stars, as well as the greater galaxies of which they are a part.
* Reviews *
review: The Sun, Stars, and Galaxies
"Solid upper grade look at the sun, stars, and galaxies,
gleaned from the distinguished author and contributor database of Encyclopedia
Britannica, with additional editorial expertise. In-depth exploration of the
sun, its structure, energy production, magnetic fields, and solar activity.
Great overview of stars, their properties, lives, and the galaxies beyond our
own Milky Way. Superior color photos, illustrations, charts, and sidebars
amplify the well written text, which is appended by a glossary, list of
resources with websites, a bibliography, and index. A very nice astronomically
themed book design completes the package for this highly recommended
--Hawaii State