Harriet Tubman
Graphic Nonfiction Biographies
Born a slave in the United States, Harriet Tubman escaped from bondage to risk her life and newfound liberty in becoming a leading abolitionist in the years before the American Civil War. Tubman surreptitiously led hundreds of escaped Southern slaves to freedom in the North along the Underground Railroad, earning her the nickname as "the Moses of her people." Readers will learn of Tubman's courage, determination, and iron discipline in this terse retelling of her life story.
* Reviews *
Book Review--"Shone's art makes the most of the space available, sometime using comics techiniques that go beyond merely illustrating the text."--Publishers Weekly
Book Review--
"By taking Harriet Tubman's life story and putting it into graphic novel form, the writer has a real hit on his hands."--Denton High School, Texas