
The planet Earth can be as mysterious and intriguing as any of the others in our solar system. Using stunning full-color images, a timeline, sidebars, and the most current information, Earth will show that there is much to be learned about our own planet in order to full understand the remaning eight.

* Reviews *

Book Review--
"The pictures and large print present the information in an agreeable learning format."
--Library Services-Omaha Public Schools
Library Bound Book List: $26.27 / S&L: $19.70

Reading Level: 3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-0-8239-5644-9
Author : Luke Thompson
Copyright : 2001
Language : English
Category : Earth Science, Space Science
Pages : 24
Trim : 10 1/4" x 9 3/4"
Dewey : 525
ATOS : 4.4
ARPoints : 0.5
Subject : Earth Science, Space Science
Binding : Library
