Chemical and Biological Weapons

Science and Society

The spread of harmful chemicals and biological organisms can injure and kill thousands of people and make an infected area unlivable for some time to come. In the age of modern terrorism, many people fear militant organizations will unleash chemical and biological weapons in public places. This book provides readers with an overview of what these weapons are, who uses them and why, and explains how much of a threat they are to our way of life. Over time, countries have pledged to ban the use of CBWs in various agreements, with limited success.

* Reviews *

Series Review: Science and Society
"A well-organized, inviting series. Short chapters introduce the science, present various subtopics, and discuss social aspects. The breadth of topics is impressive, and is matched by the quality of the writing. Scientific material is explained well for this age group, providing examples and definitions as appropriate. The publisher's Web site for each book allows for future updating of recommended Web resources."
--Melissa Rabey, Frederick County Public Libraries, MD, School Library Journal
Library Bound Book List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85
eBook List: $37.13 / S&L: $27.85

Reading Level: 5-6

Interest Level: 7-12+

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4358-5023-1
Author : Daniel Harmon
Copyright : 2009
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, Current Events
Pages : 64
Trim : 6 1/2" x 9 1/8"
Dewey : 358.3
Subject : Social Studies, Current Events
Binding : Library
BISAC : SCI000000, HIS000000
