Careers in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
People holding HVAC jobs are concerned with climate-control systems that keep individuals warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and breathing the freshest air possible year-round. Those who enjoy working with their hands and solving problems can find a challenging position in the HVAC industry. Whether it is as an installer, mechanic, master technician, drafter, design engineer, or refrigeration maintenance technician, readers learn that if they choose to work in these jobs they will have salaries, compensation packages, and other benefits that are among the highest and best in the construction trades. Students will discover that they can jump-start a career in high school and are offered an in-depth look at how to acquire the pertinent skills, knowledge, apprenticeships, certifications, and employment in a field that is always in need of well-trained, enthusiastic workers. It also provides an overview of education options, including distance learning, community colleges, and vo-tech schools and an interview with an HVAC engineer.