Spotlight On an Equitable World
The modern world is filled with people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and qualities. Each individual person deserves the same basics of treatment and respect. The volumes in this set aim a critical lens on society and encourage readers to listen to marginalized voices and to recognize contemporary inequalities. Topics include empathizing with others, building connections in the community, embracing identity, and becoming an ally to those in need of support. Readers will come to learn that our differences can be positioned as strengths. These books embrace the concept of empowering, rigorous, and innovative learning. • Crafted with special attention to the Learning for Justice, Social Justice Standards based on their Framework for Anti-bias Education and the NYSED Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education Framework
• Includes social and emotional learning concepts, based on the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) SEL framework
• Color photographs, primary sources, and helpful graphics make each book a complete learning experience