Personal Freedom & Civic Duty: Set 1
This series examines some of our most fundamental and cherished Constitutional rights. These include freedom from searches, freedom of speech, the right to privacy, the right to bear arms, civil rights, and women's rights. The history of each right is traced from colonial days to today, with seminal precedents examined, and ideological debates aired out in a neutral, objective fashion. Shifting interpretations of the law are charted, and the present and likely future state of play is analyzed. A thorough and thought-provoking history of fundamental American freedoms as well as an inspiring testament to the vital importance of defending those same freedoms, this series encapsulates America and Americans at their best--free but duty-bound, protected but vigilant, bursting with liberty and tempered by great responsibility.
* Reviews *
Book Review: Understanding Your Right to Freedom From SearchesThis entry in the Personal Freedom & Civic Duty series offers a balanced, engagingly lucid summary of the legal history behind the Fourth Amendment...illustrated with relevant photos and closing with adequate lists of advocacy organizations and print resources, this survey will leave readers with both a greater understanding of how the amendment's interpretation has developed over time and an enhanced appreciation of the entire Constitution's vital significance in our lives."