Pioneer Families

Reading Room Collection 1

* Reviews *

Book Review--
"Good information, easy to read text...Recommended."
Jane Maresch, Sunset Elementary Library
Library Bound Book List: $22.27 / S&L: $16.70

Reading Level: 2-3

Interest Level: 2-3

Product type : Library Bound Book
ISBN : 978-1-4042-3346-1
Author : Thelma Rae
Copyright : 2006
Language : English
Category : Social Studies, American History
Pages : 16
Trim : 5 1/2" x 8 1/2"
Dewey : 978
ATOS : 3
Subject : Social Studies, American History
Binding : Library
BISAC : HIS000000
Index • Glossary • Table of Contents • Web Sites
